Model of the Month : Tracy Rivas

October’s Model of the Month feature is all about Tracy Rivas! Tracy was introduced to SmartGlamour in 2015, and has participated in campaigns, shoots, and shows since. She is a positive ray of light – and we love having her as a part of the SG family. Read more about her below! 1. Aside from occasionally modeling for SmartGlamour – what do you do? I work as a community events manager at WeWork. I oversee and source events for our 40 buildings in New York City. 2. How did you get involved with the brand? A good friend of mine, Alexa Rose…

Model of the Month : Bear Spiegel

This month’s model feature is all about Bear Spiegel! Bear has been modeling with us for just over a year now. They’ve participated in runway shows, photo shoots, campaigns, and videos. Learn a bit more about them below. Bear in our Amelia Graphic Tee 1. Aside from occasionally modeling for SmartGlamour – what do you do? Primarily I am an actor and activist doing my best to use theatre to educate and inspire others. I also perform in the city living out my fantasy as a drag queen, Bear Lee Legal. And I’m finishing up my final year of college…

Model of the Month : Ana York

Our next Model of the Month has been working with us for multiple years now – Ana York! She’s been in runway shows, look books, and mini shoots alike. Learn more about her below. 1. Aside from occasionally modeling for SmartGlamour – what do you do? I work in Human Resources in hospitality! 2. How did you get involved with the brand? I got involved with SmartGlamour at first modeling jewelry and then I modeled for the Spring 2015 collection! 3. You’ve modeled for us multiple times – what makes you continue to come back? There are multiple things that…

In #FashionForAll, #AllMeansAll : Disability

One day I received an email from a cane user who told me she was in tears (happily) after seeing a model glamorously posing amidst the other models on my site, while using her cane. I won’t go into too many details, for the privacy of both her and my model – but suffice it to say, she had never seen that before, and this is why just one example of why representation is so important. There is so much “othering” happening in our society today – and a group that absolutely feels the brunt of it are disabled folks….

Model of the Month : Carine Calixte

June’s Model of the Month is here – and it’s Carine! This babe has worked with us through campaigns, runway shows, and capsule collections. Learn more about her below! 1. Aside from occasionally modeling for SmartGlamour – what do you do? I’m a mommy! I have two amazing sons, Micah and Zion, they keep me on my toes! I volunteer in my community. I’m a classically trained private chef. Right now I’m laser focused on having my curve modeling career take off! 2. How did you get involved with the brand? My friend, Tatiana, told me about a SmartGlamour casting…

SmartGlamour Celebrates Pride!

SmartGlamour stands with the LGBTQ+ community in celebrating all the colors of the rainbow, all the milestones achieved and the continued efforts in the name of liberation and human rights. To celebrate Pride month, a portion of proceeds from the sale of these Amelia Tees will be donated to our customers’ LGBTQ+ charity of choice. We also thought that, in honor of Pride, our blog would be a great space for sharing personal perspectives on “Pride” from some of our favorite members of the SmartGlamour community – our models! We are thrilled to have been a support to the LGBTQ+…

In #FashionForAll, #AllMeansAll : Skin Color

In the mainstream fashion industry, we all know that very thin is the “ideal” – and that even when big brands dip a toe into body positivity they still push ideas of “acceptable fat” + “curves in the right places” – but have you also stopped to take a look at the lack of racial diversity? Although we live in a multicultural world – and although America is a supposed “melting pot” – we are still bound to nonsensical beauty standards being tied to light + white skin. We continue to separate, to “other” people, to hold certain bodies higher…

Model of the Month – Tatiana Lewis

This month’s model feature is all about Tatiana Lewis. Tatiana is relatively new to the SmartGlamour family, joining in last Fall for our Fall 2016 Runway + Look Book. She also modeled in our Valentine’s Day look book. Learn more about her below! [hr] 1. Aside from occasionally modeling for SmartGlamour – what do you do? I have a background in Meeting and Event management. I have planned and coordinated numerous events and love the logistical aspect the most. 2. How did you get involved with the brand? The brand had a big presence on social media and gained my attention with…

Model of the Month : Brooke Rodriquez

Our next Model of the Month is Brooke! She first modeled for our Spring 2016 Look Book and Runway Show. She was then a part of our InYourSize campaign, and most recently, Fall 2016 Look Book and Runway Show and Winter/Holiday Look Book. Learn more about her below! 1. Aside from occasionally modeling for SmartGlamour – what do you do? First and foremost, I’m a mother to an awesome young artist. By day, I work in HR/Recruiting in the fashion industry. During my “free time”, I volunteer with Gotham Girls Roller Derby, model on a freelance basis, cosplay at various nerdy…

In #FashionForAll, #AllMeansAll : Gender

SmartGlamour has always been a strong advocate for accurate representation of bodies in the media. From our collections, to runway shows, to campaigns, we strive to feature people of all shapes, sizes, heights, weights, ages, ethnicity, ability, and identity. We are all about #FashionForAll – but unlike most brands, when we say All, we truly mean All. While all human beings are varied in so many different ways – through so many different characteristics – some of these aspects are more visible (such as size, shape, ethnicity) while others are more invisible (such as ability and identity.) Being an inclusive…

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