Our next Model of the Month is Tia! Tia first modeled for our #MiracleMomBods campaign last year. Since then – she has participated in two more collection photo shoots. Learn more about her below!

Most importantly…I’m a stay at home mom to my awesome 3 year old son and 16 month old daughter. When they so graciously allow me the time I’m an actress and burlesque performer. My means of expression have gone through a lot of evolutions over the past few years. I kind of cycle between the comedy scene and the burlesque nightlife though. I feel most at home in those places. My husband is a patient guy for dealing sometimes! I’ll also be starting a new job soon! Honestly, I’ve kind of just been doing my own thing the past 6 years. I’m pretty lucky actually!
2. How did you get involved with the brand?
Lady Zombie (a model of the month earlier this year) and I went to high school together and reconnected over the fact that we were pregnant at the same time. Our daughters ended up being 2 days apart. She messaged me about the #MiracleMomBods campaign and introduced me to Mallorie. The campaign really spoke to me. My daughter was born just 22 months after my son and I was really taken aback about people’s fascination with post partum weight and bodies. As a plus size woman It was almost like people wanted you to become the bionic woman after a baby. Â You have to be “better!”, “fitter!”, “snap back!”. The message of #MiracleMomBods was so positive, nothing like anything else I was seeing. I jumped at the opportunity (then had a moment of dread after realizing I’d never actually modeled before!) and the rest is history.

3. You’ve modeled for us multiple times – what makes you continue to come back?
The fact that this brand truly believes that fashion is for everyone. It’s groundbreaking, it shouldn’t be but it is. SmartGlamour isn’t just for thin people, or plus people, it doesn’t neglect in between sizes, tall or petite. It isn’t too cool, too young, too old, etc. It’s accessible, it’s fun! The pieces are amazing yet simple. They can be what you want them to be. They slide effortlessly into your personal style, whatever that is.
4. What does body positivity mean to you?
Embracing yourself no matter the number on the scale, no matter your flaws, marital status or credit score! Self love and self care. You are a complete being deserving of love and the most important love is self love. Everyone has bad days, Everyone has things they want to change about themselves. In my experience the most positive changes in myself (and my body) took place during a period of love. Doing what you love in your life and what you think is best for your body. Appreciating what your body does for you every day. Helping someone find the beauty in their being.

5. If there is a message you could put across to other women through your modeling photos – what would that be?
Own what makes you beautiful. There’s an infinite amount of beauty in the world, it doesn’t all have to be the same. Be strong, be confident.
6. What is your advice to other women who would like to give modeling a try?
Find a photographer, company or brand that speaks to you. Be yourself. Always do that. I tried to put on what I thought was a model face but in the end when I let go of all that pretending, I got the best results but also I had the most fun.